and so, a vineyard

and so, a vineyard
above/ground books | Ottawa CN
25 pages; side-stapled chapbook
Released Sept. 26, 2019


Poet/Editor Rob McLennan’s Ottawa-based above/ground press has released this here poetry chapbook full of elegiac memory lyrik stuff invoking friends and family and all the rest of it (among others): Leonard Cohen, Prince, Joanne Kyger, Bobbie Louise Hawkins, Marthe Reed, Bill Corbett, Alice Coltrane, REM’s first five albums, blossom feedback, abandoned water bottles wobbling on the train, etc. One poem sample below. Order here! 


Brighton Nights

For Joanne Kyger

my mother is a screaming beatles girl

aunt gail’s for the rougher stones

cedar    eucalyptus

                soy     wax     amber


& cold toned clovers, crimson

and still i go    still getting down to

the thirties overnight     better

throw another blanket on       thin

city tree keeps hinting at a renaissance

sunflower rosemary beeswax to my lips