Between Here & The Telescopes

Between Here and the Telescopes
Poetry Collaborations with Elizabeth Guthrie
Slumgullion Press
Published Summer 2008



“As happy proof of the truth of no boundaried person, the two find speech between and string it with bright word-shapes and their fellows. This book of poems is happy to have been made in that garden where “half my voice/is yours, all of it here” and “sings there here, hear.” These are almost invisible collaborations, and a wonderful contribution to the growing literature of that way of making.” – Reed Bye


“With “Between Here and the Telescopes” Elizabeth Guthrie and Andrew Peterson have generated work that is as unpredictable as it is inevitable. One is drawn in by its unfailing focus, then held by the certainty of the language.” – Junior Burke

“Somewhere some poets are having a dialogue and in doing that they skip across borders of authorship, narrativity, and what I imagine to be imaginary constraints, to unveil the mind as a collection of possibilities. It’s happening here, where “Between Here and the Telescopes” restages collaboration. In these gorgeous poems, (Peterson and Guthrie) play with experimentation, voice, location and dislocation, cut-ups, abstractions, the quotidian and the familiar, to gather, gorgeously and unselfconsciously, a poetics of possibility. That is what is happening now. Glad I’m here in this new century to receive it. – Akilah Oliver